Junior College Notices

Junior College (FYJC) Orientation

 The orientation programme for FYJC will be held on Saturday 10th August 2024 in the College hall.  Please note that the student must be accompanied by one parent on that day. The Schedule is as follows

Science: 9.30 AM

Arts: 12 noon

Commerce 2 PM



Any student who has passed std 10 from boards other than Maharashtra State board must be declared as eligible. This process is called eligibility and requires a migration certificate etc.

We have a list of students (found below )who have passed from non maharashtra state boards like  CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE, NIOS, OB, etc.

Pl check that, your name figures on the list attached, if you have passed std 10 from non maharashtra state board.

Pl inform Supriya Saraf or Suraj Patil in the General Office asap if you were a non maharashtra state board student and yet your name ,does not figure on the list below


12th December, 2023                            Principal

F.Y.J.C students who desire change on Subjects allotted during the admission are requested to fill Subject Change request form links are below. You are requested to fill this form only if you desire a subject change. 

Last date for request 9-8-2023 8pm.


Lectures for Arts, Science & Commerce will commence as follows:

Commerce: 7th August 2023 at 8 am (Meeting point: College Basketball Court)
Arts: 8th August 2023 at 11 am  (Meeting point: College Hall)
Science: 9th August 2023 at 8:30 am (Meeting point: College Basketball Court)


The orientation for F.Y.J.C will be held in our college hall on the 4th August, 2023 as per the following schedule 

Arts stream at 9 am

Commerce stream at 11 am 

Science Stream at 1 pm.

The student must attend the orientation along with one parent.

F.Y.J.C. Opening Date

We would like to welcome all students admitted to the F.Y.J.C. as early as possible to begin the academic year. However, the Maharashtra State Board has chosen our college to be a Centre for the July 2023 HSC exams, and 461 students are currently appearing for these exams, using most of our available space. The last major exam day is 3 rd Aug, 2023. During these exams, there are Board practical exams as well. The New Education Policy has also been implemented in the Senior College from this academic year, which has necessitated the use of even more space in the College. 

Hence F.Y.J.C. classes will not begin before the end of July. Please check our website periodically to find out details about when we will have the orientation and begin classes.