Students who have appeared for the Additional Exams held in the month of April - 2024 & June 2024 can collect their Marksheets from the Exam Control Room.
Timings - 10.00 A.M. - 12.30 P.M. and 2.00 P.M. - 3.00 P.M |
Attention! Students with Disabilities: First-Year Degree College!
All students with disabilities in the first-year degree college must fill out the Inclusive Education Accommodation Form for 2024-25 to receive disability-linked inclusive education provisions in college. To fill in this form, please schedule an appointment with Ms Poonam Deokar at poonam.deokar@xaviers.edu The last date for scheduling an appointment is 13th July 2024.Any delay in scheduling an appointment will not be accepted and can lead to non-provision of services. Please feel free to contact Ms Poonam if you need any clarification. |
APPLICATION FORM FOR CHANGE IN SUBJECT COMBINATION for FYBSc Programme (AY 2024-2025) Last date: 10th July 2024, 11:59 pm.
FYBSc FORM LINK: https://forms.gle/ |
Notice for Seating Arrangement for Additional Exam June 2024
Students who are appearing for Additional Exam June 2024 starting from 18th June, 2023 will be seated in LR 11. Reporting Time for Additional Exam - 8.45am
Only for Fy (2023-2024) and SY(2023-2024) ECC has updated all the ECC points given by various departments, fests and workshops and has addressed all the discrepancies through a discrepancy form. We are circulating this discrepancy form again for students who missed filling it (only if there is a discrepancy in the ECC points recorded) The link of the discrepancy form is https://docs.google.com/ Please check your ECC points and fill in the form if you think there is any discrepancy. Kindly attach a proof along with it. There are chances that you have a certificate but if there exists a discrepancy in ECC points given by a fest or Department , in such a case please ask the respective forum heads to check their records and update their records as well. We won’t be entertaining any mails on ecc id once the discrepancy form is closed . Last date for filling the form is 15/4/24. |
SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMS FOR STUDENTS APPEARING FOR CUET ON DAYS OF COLLEGE END SEMESTER EXAMINATIONThe Common University Entrance Test (CUET PG - 2024) is scheduled from 11th-28th March 2024. Unfortunately for some subjects this test is clashing with the college end semester examination. To prevent inconvenience to students appearing for CUET and consequently missing ESE due to clash between CUET and our ES exams on the same day, a supplementary exam of 60 marks will be conducted in April 2024. This provision will only be available to students whose CUET paper is on the same day as the end semester exam. The dates for the supplementary exam will be uploaded on the college website post 20th March 2024. All the students who wish to appear for the re-exam must email a copy of the CUET admit card to the exam centre at the latest by 19th March 2024. Principal |
Graduation Degree certificate data for verification 2022-2023
Please verify the graduation data shown against your UID, as these data will be sent to Mumbai University for your final University Degree Certificate.If there is any discrepancy or correction to be made please fill in the Google form (click on link provided down) on or before 20th December 2023. Further no correction will be entertained and the mistake in University degree certificate will be Student's responsibility.
Google form link for correction - https://forms.gle/
Please fill this form only if you have any correction to be made.
Graduation Degree certificate data
The following students encountered technical issues during the 10 marks CIA held on October 9th, 2023. The UID number of the students are as follows:
As this was the first time the students took the online test on the college’s testing platform, the Principal has allowed a re-CIA for the students mentioned above on October 25th, 2023 at 5 pm. The test window will close 15 minutes after the scheduled time.
Admit Card for the Additional Exam October - 2023
Please find below the Admit card for those Students appearing for the additional exam starting from 25th October, 2023. Kindly print the Admit Card and must preserve and produce the Admit card at each examination.
Students may note that: Regular lectures and practicals for FY will continue during the CIA's. From 30th August to 6th September, 2023 9am lectures for FY will begin from 9.15am. |
Learning about the Constitution of India is of paramount importance for citizens of a nation as diverse as India. Understanding the Constitution helps citizens comprehend the functioning of the government and their rights and responsibilities as individual citizens. The Constitution protects citizens' rights and ensures justice and equality.
Knowledge of one's own Constitution is a crucial aspect of civic education. It empowers individuals to actively participate in the democratic process, make informed decisions, and hold the government accountable. In a democracy, an informed citizenry is essential for the functioning of a just and inclusive society.
The 2 credit Value Education Course (VEC) on the Constitution of India is designed by the Political Science Department of our college.
The course will be conducted in a hybrid mode with in-person master classes, pre-recorded videos, and discussion forums.
The introductory lecture for those First Year Undergraduate students assigned the Constitution of India course as their VEC course this semester will be conducted on Thursday, 10th August 2023, from 4 pm to 5 pm in the Palacioś Hall (College Hall).
It may be noted that the attendance is mandatory for the same.
5th August 2023
Resolution regarding promotion of students of AY 2022-23
On account of the change in the curriculum due to implementation of National Education Policy from June 2023, all FY and SY undergraduate students and students of Part I of MA/ MSc of Academic Year 2022-23 will be promoted to the next higher class irrespective of the number of backlogs in terms of credits.
This is a one time provision, applicable only to the current batch of FY, SY and MA/ M.Sc. Part I students. Grace Marks norms and Additional exam norms as per existing non-NEP structure with all the terms and conditions will continue to be applicable to these students. Degree will be awarded only after the student passes all courses. |
List of students with the offered SYBSc Subject Combination is attached herewith. This is a provisional list and not the SYBSc admission list. The admission list for the Fee Payment will be displayed later.
You are also required to submit the Google Form whose link has been emailed to you, to indicate your choice of Scientific Communication Skill (SCS) course by 12th May, 2023. If you fail to apply within the stipulated time, the college reserves the right to allocate the SCS course that is available.
Examination Centre: examination.centre@xaviers.edu
Principal's Visiting Hours: Monday to Friday 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Copyright © St. Xavier's College, Mumbai.